Turnover growth sector hotels and restaurants slows down

  • Pub turnover down
  • Turnover slowdown in all other branches of the sector hotels and restaurants

The latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands show that the sector hotels and restaurants achieved a turnover growth by 3.1 percent in the third quarter of 2011 relative to the same period last year. Turnover growth was reduced by half compared to the first two quarters of this year. Higher prices chiefly accounted for the turnover increase. With 0.5 percent, volume growth was fairly modest.

Turnover realised by pubs and wine bars was below the level of one year previously. This is the first turnover decrease after four quarters of uninterrupted growth. The bad weather conditions in July and August were the main reason for the 0.7 percent turnover drop. Prices were 3.3 percent up, but the volume of sales shrank by 3.8 percent.

Within the sector hotels and restaurants, cafeterias performed best. They realised a turnover growth by 6 percent from the same period one year previously. Half of the turnover growth is due to higher prices and half to volume growth. With an average of 3.7 percent, hotels and restaurants also achieved turnover growth.