Virtually no growth retail turnover in June

Retail sales in June were almost at the same level as in June 2010. Retail prices were nearly 3 percent higher. As a result, retail volume shrank by more than 2 percent. Just as in May, turnover in June was affected by the composition of shopping-days and holidays.

The shopping-day pattern was more favourable in June 2011 than in June 2010. The positive effect on turnover is estimated at over 1 percent. Ascension Day and Whitsun were in June this year instead of May. The effect on retail sales is unknown.

Turnover in the sector food, drinks and tobacco was almost 3 percent up, entirely due to higher supermarket sales. Sales generated by specialised food, drinks and tobacco shops were substantially lower than twelve months previously.

Turnover in the non-food sector was nearly 3 percent down. Only DIY shops realised a modest turnover growth. The rest of the non-food sector faced turnover losses, most notably textile supermarkets (– 15 percent) and clothes shops (– 5 percent).

Petrol stations achieved more than 4 percent turnover growth relative to June 2010. Prices were almost 9 percent up on one year previously. If petrol stations are not taken into account, retail sales were nearly 0.5 percent below the level of June 2010.

Apart from traditional shops and petrol stations, mail-order firms and online shops are also included in the retail sector. Mail-order and online sales declined marginally relative to one year previously.

The figures in this article have been updated relative to retail figures released on 16 August 2011. The revision is based on more recent and more detailed information.

Retail turnover

Retail turnover

More figures can be found in dossier Business cycle.