Manufacturing prices rise more rapidly

Selling prices in Dutch manufacturing industry were 10 percent higher in July 2011 than in July 2010. The price increase is more substantial than in June, when selling prices were 9 percent up on the same month last year. The increase follows a period of three months, in which the price increase was always below the level of the preceding month.
Manufacturing prices rose across the board relative to July 2010. With 29 percent, prices of refined petroleum products increased most notably. The increase was far more substantial than in June (19 percent). Manufacturers in the chemical industry (15 percent), manufacturers of food products (11 percent) and the basic metal industry (7 percent) also charged much higher prices for their products.
Compared to one month previously, prices increased by 0.3 percent. Prices on the foreign market rose by 0.5 percent. Prices on the domestic market were only marginally higher than in June.
Factory gate prices
More figures can be found in dossier Business cycle.