Dutch spent to the tune of 15 billion euro on holidays last year

Altogether, Dutch tourists took more than 36 million holidays last year. They spent 15 billion euro; over 12 billion euro was spent on holidays abroad. For the sake of comparison: overall spending on food approximated 25 billion euro.

Recession has limited effect

The economic crisis seems to have little effect on holiday spending. In the past two years, the amount the Dutch spent on domestic holidays has remained stable. Spending on foreign holidays in 2009 and 2010 also hardly changed relative to 2008. Nearly 82 percent in the Dutch population went on holiday at least once in 2010. They took more than 36 million holidays, accounting for an estimated 278 million overnight stays.

Dutch holiday spending

Dutch holiday spending

North Sea resorts and France popular holiday destinations

Domestic holidays accounted for 94 million overnight stays in 2010. With 13 percent of all long domestic holidays, the North Sea resorts have been the most popular destination for years. With respect to long holidays abroad, France and Germany are in first and second place with nearly 32 million and approximately 18 million overnight stays respectively versus nearly 38 million and 14 million in 2002. Proportionally, Germany is a popular destination for short holidays.

Overnight stays by holiday destination

Overnight stays by holiday destination

Germany gaining popularity

France is the most popular country for long foreign holidays. Some 16 percent of long foreign holidays are spent in France and the percentage has remained fairly stable in recent years. Germany’s popularity as a holiday destination is still on the increase. About 14 percent of all long holidays in 2010 were spent in Germany versus 11 percent in 2002.

Number of holidays spent in France and Germany

Number of holidays spent in France and Germany

Henk Swinkels