Half of social security benefits go to families with children

Nearly half (49 percent) of the 330 thousand people on social security have children, but there are considerable differences between native Dutch and people with a non-western background. Native Dutch social security recipients are much more often single ((46 percent) than their non-western counterparts ((27 percent).

Twice as many couples with children among people with non-western background receive social security benefits

Non-western people on social security more often live in a family with children than native Dutch. More than three in ten non-western social security recipients have a partner and children, i.e. twice as many as among native Dutch. The proportion of single-parent families receiving social security benefits was just over a quarter by the end of 2009. This applies two both population categories.

People on social security by ethnic background and household situation, end of 2009

People on social security by ethnic background and household situation, end of 2009

In the age category 15–65, the proportion of non-western social security recipients is higher than the proportion of native Dutch social security recipients. By the end of 2009, for example, one quarter of non-western single mothers were on social security versus one in ten of native Dutch single mothers.

Ton Ferber

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