Manufacturing sales 13 percent up

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth of 13 percent in April 2011 relative to April 2010. The growth rate was less substantial than in February and March. Turnover growth was almost entirely due to higher selling prices. Prices of manufactured products were nearly 12 percent higher in April than one year previously.

Turnover increased most in the sector electrical engineering and machinery (+25 percent). The sectors transport equipment and basic metals and metal products realised 21 and 18 percent turnover growth respectively relative to twelve months previously. Manufacturers in the sector petroleum, chemical, rubber and plastic products generated 13 percent more turnover. In this sector, the increase in selling prices by far exceeded turnover growth. Although to a lesser extent, this was also the case in the food sector, where turnover grew by 10 percent.

Turnover on the export market was 16 percent higher in April than one year previously, whereas turnover on the domestic market grew by 9 percent. Turnover growth realised abroad has exceeded turnover growth on the domestic market for more than a year now.

Manufacturing turnover

Manufacturing turnover

More figures can be found in dossier Business cycle.