Unemployment further down

  • Unemployment 3 thousand down
  • Fewer women unemployed
  • Number of job seekers registered at UWV down by 12 thousand
  • Number of WW benefits granted in April dropped by 9 thousand

In April this year, 392 thousand people (5.0 percent of the labour force) were unemployed in the Netherlands. The figure is adjusted for seasonal variation. The number of unemployed declined further in April, as the latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands indicate.

Figures published by the Institute for Implementation of Employees’ Insurances (UWV) show a reduction in the number of job seekers and unemployment (WW) benefits.

Female unemployment down

Seasonally adjusted unemployment fell by 3 thousand in April. They were all women. Male unemployment increased marginally.

Since early 2009, more men than women are unemployed. In the first four months of this year the gap has widened due to a small increase in unemployed men and a further decline in unemployed women. The unemployment growth among men is entirely accounted for by 25 to 45-year-olds.

Fewer young job seekers

According to the UWV, the number of unemployed job seekers fell by 12 thousand to 475 thousand in April. The decline was most substantial among young job seekers under the age of 25 (- 4.8%). The decline in April was also above average among people looking for technical jobs, particularly lower-level technical jobs (- 7%).

More WW benefits terminated

More WW benefits were terminated in April (38 thousand) than new ones granted (29 thousand). As a result, the current number of WW benefits dropped by 9 thousand to 261 thousand.