Residents positive about neighbourhood safety

On average, the Dutch evaluate the safety of their neighbourhood as quite satisfactory. City dwellers are less positive. Young people in particular think the situation in their neighbourhood has improved compared to one year ago, but middle-aged people tend to be less positive.
Dutch fairly pleased with their neighbourhood in 2010
Most Dutch seem to be fairly pleased with the safety in their neighbourhood. They think the safety in their neighbourhood is quite acceptable, i.e. 7 on a 1-to-10 scale. The residential environment and the quality of life in their neighbourhood are rated even higher (7.5 and 7.4 respectively). The proportion of residents who think the situation in their neighbourhood has become better equals those who think the situation in their neighbourhood has become worse (14 percent).
Residents’ opinions on the neighbourhood they live in, 2010
City dwellers less positive
City dwellers do not rate their neighbourhood as good a place to live as people living in rural areas. The first are more concerned about safety, residential environment and quality of life in their neighbourhood. Unsurprisingly, residents of neighbourhoods requiring special attention are the least positive about the situation in their neighbourhood, as the level of unsafety and quality-of-life level are important criteria to define these neighbourhoods.
Moreover, 18 percent of residents of very highly urbanised municipalities think their neighbourhood has improved relative to the preceding year and 19 percent think the opposite. The proportions for neighbourhoods requiring special attention are 26 and 23 percent respectively. Opinions on the situation in these neighbourhoods vary widely. A majority of residents in some of these neighbourhoods think the situation has improved significantly, whereas residents in other neighbourhoods in this category think the situation has become worse.
Evaluation residential environment, 2010
Young people tend to be more optimistic
Young people – more often than older residents – tend to be optimistic about the situation in their neighbourhood in the past year. About 18 percent of 15 to 34-year-olds think their neighbourhood has improved versus only 10 percent of over-65s.
Residents’ opinions on the neighbourhood they live in by age, 2010
Leanne Houben