Lowest local taxes for tenants in Bernheze

The burden of local taxes is lowest for single tenants who have no car and no dog and are living in the municipality of Bernheze. In 2011, these tenants pay 187 euro in local levies and taxes. The amount singles in the municipality of Reewijk have to pay is four times as high (765 euro).

Local taxes by municipality imposed on single tenants without car or dog, reference municipality Bernheze (redder indicates higher local taxes)

Local taxes by municipality imposed on single tenants without car or dog, reference municipality Bernheze (redder indicates higher local taxes)

Bernheze also cheapest municipality for tenants with children

The amount paid in local levies and taxes depends on municipality and personal situation. A couple with two children who owns a car in the medium price range and live in a rented house in Bernheze pays 535 euro, i.e. nearly three times the amount paid by single tenants who do not own a car. For these families, Bernheze is also the cheapest municipality. In the municipality of Barneveld, they would have to pay 764 euro, the average amount in the Netherlands for people in this situation.

Local taxes by municipality imposed on four-person households living in a rented house and owning a car with a weight of 1,000 kg, reference municipality Barneveld (green indicates lower, red indicates higher local taxes).

Local taxes by municipality imposed on four-person households living in a rented house and owning a car with a weight of 1,000 kg, reference municipality Barneveld (green indicates lower, red indicates higher local taxes).

Home ownership has considerable effect 

If a family in Bernheze buys a house worth 250 thousand euro, they have to pay 895 euro in local taxes, 360 euro more than non-homeowners. This is largely due to property tax, but water board levies are also higher for homeowners.

Arlen Hoebergen and Arjan Bruil

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