Public support for restrictions on dual nationality
Over 60 percent in the Dutch over-18 population oppose the concept of dual nationality, in particular lower educated and over-45s.
Large majority against double passport
Three in every five people in the Dutch population aged 18 years and older think that by accepting the Dutch nationality, immigrants should give up their former nationality. One quarter think that is not necessary. Voters hold distinct views on the proposition ’Members of the cabinet should not be allowed to have dual citizenship’: 70 percent agree with the proposition and 18 percent disagree.
People should give up their former nationality when they accept the Dutch nationality by age, 2010
Mainly lower educated and over-45s think double passports are undesirable
Lower educated in particular ((78 percent) tend to think that holding several nationalities simultaneously should not be permitted and no less than 83 percent indicate that members of the Dutch government should not have dual citizenship. A distinct majority ((60 percent) of people with a non-western background think that having more than one nationality should not be a problem. Only 28 percent reject the concept of dual nationality. Their views on ministers with dual nationalities are less outspoken; 34 percent are against, 46 percent are in favour.
Approximately half of people in the age category under 45 think that immigrants who accept Dutch citizenship should give up their former nationality. The proportion in older age groups varies between 65 and 70 percent.
People should give up their former nationality when they accept the Dutch nationality by level of education, 2010
Voters Green Left Party divided on issue of dual citizenship
A majority in nearly all Dutch political parties – save the Green Left Party and the Dutch Labour Party – condemn the idea of cabinet members having dual nationality. Green Left Party voters are particularly divided on this issue: 40 percent support the idea, 41 percent are against and the remainder do not take a stand. In the Dutch Labour Party, 46 percent of voters agree, while 35 percent disagree.
The fiercest opposition against the concept of dual nationality for members of the cabinet is coming from Dutch Freedom Party voters: nine in ten disapprove. Approximately three quarters of voters for the Liberal Party, the Christian Democrats, and the Christian Union also reject the concept of dual nationality for members of the cabinet.
Cabinet members should not be allowed to have two passports by political preference, 2010
Hans Schmeets and Maarten Vink (UM)