Substantial growth manufacturing output
The average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry was over 9 percent higher in February 2011 than in February 2010. Output growth was more substantial than in previous months, though still marginally below the pre-crisis level.
Output growth was unevenly spread across the various sectors of manufacturing industry. The most substantial growth was recorded in the sector transport equipment (+42 percent). The increase in manufacturing output in electrical engineering and machinery was more substantial (+16 percent) than in February 2010. Output levels in basic metals and metal products and in petroleum, chemical, rubber and plastic products also increased. The least substantial output growth was reported in food, drinks and tobacco (+3 percent).
Wood products and construction materials showed substantial output growth for the second consecutive month. February’s output was 25 percent up on one year previously. In 2009 and 2010, output in this branch contracted considerably.
Seasonally adjusted figures provide a more reliable picture of short-term production developments. Monthly figures adjusted for seasonal variation often show a somewhat erratic pattern. Therefore, the two-monthly average compared to the previous two-monthly average is a more accurate indicator. After correction for seasonal variation and the number of working days, manufacturing output in the period January – February 2011 was more than 3 percent up on the period November – December 2010.
Manufacturing output (volume)
More figures can be found in dossier Business cycle.