Manufacturing stocks shrinking at a lower rate

In December, manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were nearly 1 percent down on December 2009. The reduction was somewhat smaller than in November. Stocks of finished products have been below the level of twelve months previously for almost two years now. The index stocks of finished products (2005=100) was 96.5 in December, i.e. 2 points lower than in November.
Stocks of finished products in manufacturing industry (volume)
Stock levels too large
The Business Sentiment Survey for the Manufacturing Industry provides a first indication of the development of the index stocks of finished products. In this survey, manufacturers are invited to define their current stocks of finished products as too large (negative), normal, or too small (positive) in relation to projected sales. These results are available two months earlier than data on stocks of finished products.
In February 2011, manufacturers’ opinions on their stocks veered. More manufacturers evaluated their stocks as too large than as too small, whereas in January it was just the other way round.
Opinions on stocks of finished products