Amount spent on security care significantly higher

Nearly 12.5 billion euro, i.e. 2.2 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) was spent on prevention and combat of crime, urban decay and inconvenience in 2009, an increase by 4 percent relative to 2008.
Spending on security care, 2002-2009
Per capita spending 757 euro
In recent years, spending on security care has risen considerably. In 2009, expenditure on security care was 4 billion euro up on 2002, an increase by nearly 50 percent. Corrected for inflation, the increase was approximately 2.3 billion euro, i.e. 757 euro per capita.
More personnel and higher personnel costs
Personnel costs have risen by 2.5 billion euro over the period 2002–2009. Just over half of this amount was spent on higher wages, the remainder was spent on expansion of staff. In the same period, material costs increased by 1.5 billion euro. Only 20 percent of the increase was the result of higher prices; 80 percent concerned material costs.
Share in growing security care costs, 2002–2009
Highest amount spent on preventive measures
Nearly half of the total costs of security care in 2009 were prevention-related. Police and security firms are the main providers. The police are also responsible for tracing criminals and offenders. The third important activity is law enforcement, which is predominantly the responsibility of the Department of Judicial Institutions (DJI). Management and maintenance of detention facilities, (e.g. prisons) by the DJI weigh heavier on the budget than personnel costs. This explains why law enforcement accounts for a higher share of material costs than other activities.
Spending on security care by activity in current prices, 2009
Raymond Kleingeld and Bart Nauta