More and more cars with hybrid technology on board
The number of hybrid cars continued to grow in 2009. On 1 January 2010, there were 39.3 thousand hybrid cars registered in the Netherlands, an increase by nearly 70 percent relative to one year previously.
Six in ten hybrids are company cars
The number of hybrid company cars has grown substantially from 12.3 thousand to 23.4 thousand. In 2008, the number of hybrid company cars had also risen considerably. On 1 January 2008, the addition to the taxable income for very fuel-efficient company cars was lowered from 25 to 14 percent. Since then, more and more company cars have hybrid technology on board. Early last year, 59 percent of all hybrids were company cars.
Also more privately-owned hybrid cars
The number of privately-owned hybrid cars increased from nearly 11 thousand on 1 January 2009 to 16 thousand a year later. Individuals benefit from a reduced rate of motor vehicle and motorcycle tax (BPM) for fuel-efficient cars. The road tax rate is also much lower. Since 1 January 2009, highly fuel-efficient cars are completely exempt from BPM and road tax.
Despite the significant increase in hybrid cars in recent years, they still constitute only a minor part of the total Dutch car fleet. Early last year, only 1 in 200 cars were hybrids.
Hybrid cars by type of ownership registration on 1 January
Astrid Dohmen-Kampert