Retail turnover marginally down

Dutch retailers generated almost 2 percent less turnover in October than one year previously. The shopping-day pattern was less favourable than in October 2009. The negative effect on turnover is estimated at nearly 3 percent. Retail prices were more than 1 percent higher.

Turnover in the non-food sector was nearly 4 percent down on one year previously. Only shops selling household appliances achieved turnover growth. Sales in consumer electronics shops remained stable. All other shops faced loss of turnover. Clothes shops and home furnishing shops recorded the most substantial losses.

Turnover declined by 1 percent in the food sector. The less favourable shopping-day pattern played an important part in this sector. Supermarkets recorded a decline by 1 percent; specialised food shops realised 4 percent less turnover.

Online sales showed the highest growth rate within the retail trade sector. Turnover was up by 10 percent on one year previously. During the entire year 2010, online retailers achieved higher growth figures than traditional shopkeepers.

Petrol stations realised almost 4 percent turnover increase. Petrol stations account for nearly one tenth of total retail turnover.

The figures published in this update have been updated relative to the October retail figures released on 16 December 2010. The revision is based on more recent and more detailed information.

Retail turnover

Retail turnover

More figures can be found in dossier Business cycle.