More self-employed people without personnel in the third quarter of 2010

In the third quarter of 2010 there were 708 thousand self-employed people without personnel in the Netherlands, up 27 thousand on the previous year. The economic crisis slashed the number of self-employed without personnel in the second half of 2009. However, there has been an increase again since early 2010.

Fewer employees and self-employed people with personnel than a year ago

The number of employees and of self-employed with personnel was down in the third quarter on the previous year. The cut in employees was not as severe as in the previous two quarters though.

Although there has been a sharp increase in the number of self-employed without personnel in recent years, employees remain the standard on the Dutch labour market. Almost 9 in 10 people who work, earned their living as employees.

Employees and self-employed people with and without personnel, employed labour force

Employees and self-employed people with and without personnel, employed labour force

Self-employed without personnel predominantly men

Two in three self-employed people without personnel were men in the third quarter of 2010. Due to the increase in the number of working women, the balance between the sexes among employees has become more equal in the last 15 years. This was far less so among the self-employed without personnel.

Self-employed without personnel en employees by sex, employed labour force

Self-employed without personnel en employees by sex, employed labour force

Self-employed without personnel often have jobs on the side

Over 12 percent of the self-employed without personnel in the third quarter of 2010 indicated they had a job on the side. This was either a job as an employee, as self employed with or without personnel or as self-employed in the family business. This share was much lower among employees, with 7 percent.

Employees and self-employed without personnel with a second job, employed labour force, 3rd quarter of 2010

Employees and self-employed without personnel with a second job, employed labour force, 3rd quarter of 2010

Lian Kösters