No further increase retirement age employees
In 2008, nearly 68 thousand employees went into retirement. The average age was 62. The average age of retirement has not risen relative to 2007.
Average retirement age at 62
The average age of retirement of employees was 61 in the period 2000–2006, as against 62 in 2007. In 2006, legislation changes were introduced aiming to restrict early retirement. As a result, the number of employees who went into retirement prior to their 60th birthday was reduced dramatically in 2007.
This trend did not continue in 2008. In 2007 and 2008, nearly four in every five employees who went into retirement were under the age of 65. Altogether, 67.6 thousand employees retired, approximately as many as in the preceding year.
Average retirement age employees and number of persons going into retirement, 2000-2008
Agriculture and fishery sector has highest retirement age
In 2008, the highest average age of retirement was recorded in the sector agriculture and fishery (nearly 65), followed by the sector hotels and restaurants and the sector business services and other services with 63 years. With 61 years, the earliest retirement age was recorded in the sectors health care and welfare, construction and public administration.
Average retirement age employees by sector, 2008
Koos Arts and Ferdy Otten