Wine imports from France declining

The share of French wine in Dutch wine imports dropped for the sixth successive year in 2009. German, Italian and Chilean wines, on the other hand, are becoming increasingly popular. Dutch wine imports declined by 1 percent in 2009 to more than 398 million litres.
France still main supplier
Just before the turn of the century, almost half of the total volume of wine imported into the Netherlands came from France. Since then, the share was reduced on an annual basis, except in 2003. Last year, more than 113 million litres of French wine were imported, as against 163 million litres in 2003. Despite the reduction, France is still the most important supplier of wine with a share of more than 28 percent in 2009.
Dutch wine imports, 2009
German wine gaining popularity
Germany is threatening France’s position as largest wine supplier. Currently, nearly one fifth of the total volume of wine imported into the Netherlands is produced in Germany. Last year, 78 million litres were imported from Germany, an increase by 9 percent relative to 2008 and almost twice the volume imported five years ago.
Chile important new player on the market
The share of wine imported from South Africa was reduced over the years, but at the same time Chile’s share has steadily grown. Chile has indeed replaced South Africa as the most important new wine-producing country in 2009. With nearly 29 million litres, Chile’s share has run up to more than 7 percent.
Share wine imports from Chile and South Africa
Marginal increase wine consumption
Per capita wine consumption in the Netherlands was 21.7 litres in 2009 versus 21.6 litres in 2008 and 2007.
Wiel Packbier