Temp agencies positive about future employment

A vast majority of temp agencies expected to recruit new staff over the next three months, whereas the rest of the sector business services were still negative about future employment in their branch. Just as in the previous months, manufacturers anticipated to have to cut back on their workforce.
Expected employment in the sector business services
Temp agencies constitute an exception within the sector business services
Business services providers anticipating workforce reductions just outnumbered those hoping to expand their workforce in August 2010. The mood is quite different in the sector temp agencies, where 55 percent expected a growth in the next 3 months and only 2 percent anticipated a reduction of their workforce. August was the seventh month in a row, in which temp agencies were optimistic about future employment.
IT companies estimated their workforce to stabilise in August. The other branches within the sector business services expected to have to cut back on staff. Architectural and engineering firms were particularly negative.
Expected employment in the sector business services
Manufacturers anticipate sustained workforce reductions
Manufacturers were as pessimistic in August about future employment as they were in the past three months. Producers in the sectors transport equipment, machinery and other appliances and in food, drinks and tobacco expected to recruit new staff in the three months to come. The other manufacturers anticipated reduction or stabilisation of their workforces.
Anticipated employment in manufacturing industry
Wouter Jonkers