Price increases in manufacturing industry less substantial

In July, factory gate prices in Dutch manufacturing industry were 9 percent higher than one year previously. The increase was slightly less significant than in June. In the first months of 2010, prices of manufactured products soared. Selling prices were 11 percent higher in April than in the same month one year previously. Subsequently, the increase slowed down.
Prices in manufacturing industry rose in nearly all branches. With 27 percent, the petroleum refining industry showed the most substantial price increase. In this sector, factory gate prices are closely linked to crude oil prices. Manufacturers of chemical and basic metal products also raised their prices. Selling prices in these branches were up by 21 and 16 percent respectively.
Compared to the preceding month, prices dropped for the first time in July. In the previous nine months, prices had continuously been higher than in the prior month. Selling prices in July were 0.6 percent down on June. Prices on the export market dropped by 1 percent, while prices on the domestic market were nearly the same as in June.