Business service providers anticipate turnover growth
In August, the number of business services providers expecting turnover to increase in the next three months outnumbered those expecting a decrease. The balance was + 9 in August versus - 4 in July. In June and July, the number of business services providers expecting a downturn is usually higher than in other months of the year.
Opinions of providers of business services on the economic climate improved marginally in August relative to July, but they were slightly more pessimistic about future employment. In August, the number of providers of business services expecting employment to grow over the next three months virtually equalled the number expecting employment in their branch to be reduced.
Temp job agencies are very optimistic. Their expectations with respect to turnover in the next three months, future employment in their branch and price developments are extremely positive. They also think the economic climate is very favourable. Producers in other branches were considerably more cautious.