Unemployment further down

In July 2010, seasonally adjusted unemployment in the Netherlands stood at 426 thousand, a decline by 4 thousand relative to June. In July, fewer males were unemployed than in June. The number of unemployed females remained the same. Unemployment started to drop after reaching a peak of 452 thousand last February.

On average, 5.7 percent of the total Dutch labour force were unemployed. With 5.1 percent, the unemployment rate in the male labour force was lower than in the female labour force (6.3 percent). With 4.0 percent, the lowest unemployment rate was recorded among men in the age category 45-64. The highest rate (12.7 percent) was recorded among both men and women in the age category 15-24.

According to Statistics Netherlands’ consumer confidence survey, the mood among consumers about future unemployment has improved,. In August, 43 percent of Dutch consumers expected unemployment to rise in the next 12 months, while 25 percent anticipated a decline.

Seasonally adjusted unemployment

Seasonally adjusted unemployment