Price rise manufacturing industry about the same

In May, factory gate prices in Dutch manufacturing were 10.5 percent up on one year previously. The increase was in the same order of magnitude as in April. In the preceding months, price rises accelerated rapidly.

In nearly all sectors of manufacturing industry, prices were higher in May than twelve months previously. With 40 percent, the petroleum industry showed the most substantial price increase by far, just as in preceding months. This was mainly the result of developments in crude oil prices. Prices in the chemical and basic metal industry were also substantially higher than in May 2009. Manufacturers in these branches charged 25 and 18 percent more respectively for their products.

In May, market prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were nearly 1 percent higher than in April. For eight consecutive months now, prices have been higher than in the month before. Prices on the export market rose more rapidly than prices on the domestic market.

Factory gate prices

Factory gate prices