Unemployment further down

  • Unemployment down for the second consecutive time
  • UWV reports sharp decline in number of young job seekers
  • Number of unemployment benefits further down

In the period March-May 2010, the number of unemployed persons in the Netherlands averaged 437 thousand, i.e. 5.6 percent of the labour force versus 4.6 percent in the same period last year. Adjusted for seasonal variation, unemployment falls for the second time in a row, as the latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands show. Figures published by the public unemployment agency (UWV) show that the number of job seekers and unemployment (WW) benefits has declined for the second month running.

Further reduction unemployment

Unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation over the period March-May  2010 was 431 thousand, a decline by 7 thousand relative to the previous three-monthly period. Unemployment was reduced for the second time in a row after a long period of continual growth. As yet, it seems too early to conclude that the upward trend has been reversed. The next months will show, whether the downward trend is a permanent one.

If a longer period is taken into account, unemployment has grown by an average of 3 thousand a month over the past six months. In the first six month of 2009, the average monthly growth rate was 13 thousand.

Number of young job seekers substantially reduced

The number of people out of work and looking for a job registered at the UWV dropped by 10 thousand to 502 thousand. Proportionally, the number of job seekers dropped most rapidly (by 5 percent) among young people. The number of unemployed declined most among lower-level workers in the engineering sector and the transport sector.

Number of unemployment benefits further down

The number of WW benefits has decreased for the third month running; in May by more than 9 thousand to 300 thousand. The number of new WW benefits dropped by 7 thousand to 26 thousand and 35 thousand WW benefits were terminated, half due to resumption of work.

 PDF contains complete press release, including tables and graphics.