Energy label

Since 1 January 2008, owners of residential and non-residential buildings in the Netherlands are required to supply new tenants and buyers with an energy label for the building. The energy label is an indication of the standardised energy use of the building, and is intended to give (potential) buyers or tenants an insight into which energy-saving measures can be applied. The energy label affords tenants and buyers the opportunity to compare the energy qualities of similar-sized buildings. These qualities are assessed independently of the behaviour of the eventual user, and therefore assess only the energy-related characteristics of the building. The energy label shows the category in which a home or building is classified. It also presents a number of possible energy-saving options.

Buildings in category A have few possibilities to save more energy, while for those in category G there are a lot of possibilities. In addition, the label also shows the energy index. This is calculated on the basis of the characteristics of the building, installations in the building and the - standardised - behaviour of residents or users of the building. It also shows the standardised energy consumption. The energy label requirement for dwellings is laid down in the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, which aims to improve energy performance of buildings in the European Community. The directive also provides in certain exemptions, for example for historic buildings and churches. There is also a transitional regulation for buildings for which a energy performance recommendation was issued between 1 July 2002 and 1 January 2008.

More information can be found on the website of SenterNovem

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