Strong rise in energy-labelled homes in Zeeland

Nearly one quarter of homes in the Netherlands had been issued with an energy label in December 2009. In June 2009 this was still only 13 percent. Energy labels give an insight into how much energy a home uses and possible energy-saving measures. The percentage of homes with such an energy label increased in the province Zeeland in particular.
Zeeland catching up
Zeeland closed the gap somewhat with the rest of the country in the second half of 2009 in terms of the percentage of homes with an energy label. At the end of 2009 more than a quarter of homes in Zeeland had a label, compared with 3 percent in mid 2009. the rental sector accounted for just over 95 percent of this increase. As many housing corporations provided homes with energy labels, three-quarters of rented homes in this province had an energy label by the end of 2009.
Groningen has the highest percentage of labelled homes
The percentage of homes with an energy label differs substantially between the provinces. At the end of 2009, Groningen still led the way with 30 percent. Utrecht and North Holland brought up the rear: 18 percent of homes in these provinces had been issued with an energy label.
Homes with an energy label, 31 December 2009
Energy label not popular among home-owners
For homes with an energy label, the ratio of owner-occupied to rental homes hardly changed in the second half of 2009. Five percent of homes with an energy label are owner-occupied: 70 thousand homes. In the rental sector nearly 1.5 million homes now have a label.
Most homes in energy classes C and D
The division of the homes across the energy classes A to G has not changed much either. At the end of 2009, most homes, 57 percent, were in energy class C or D and 11 percent had an A or B label. In homes with an A label, most energy-saving measures have already been implemented.
Friesland has relatively most E to G homes
In December 2009, the percentage of homes with a label in class E, F or G was highest in Friesland, and lowest in Flevoland: 12 percent. The main reason for this difference is that Flevoland has a higher percentage of recently built homes. As these have to comply with stricter construction norms than older homes, they are mostly in energy class A or B.
Homes with an energy label in class E,F or G, 31 December 2009
Karine Tanis