Lower havo pass rates in four large cities
Some 80 thousand students in Dutch senior general secondary education (havo) and pre-university education (vwo) are sitting their final exams this month. In the past few years, around nine out of ten of these candidates passed their exams and received a diploma. Pass rates for pupils who live in Rotterdam were lower in 2008/’09 than average for the whole country. The provinces Zeeland and Limburg had the highest pass rates.
One in five fail havo exams in Rotterdam
In Rotterdam, four out of five havo exam candidates passed their exams in school year 2008/’09. This puts the pass rate there well under the national average of 87 percent. In The Hague, Utrecht and Amsterdam, too, pass rates for havo students were below the national average, although the difference was smaller than for Rotterdam.
Havo pass rates in the four large cities, 2008/’09*
High vwo pass rate in Utrecht
In the city of Utrecht, just over 93 percent of vwo exam candidates passed their final exams. This is higher than the national average, which was 91 percent in 2008/’09. Rotterdam did less well here too, with a pass rate of 83 percent. The Hague and Amsterdam were just under the national average.
Vwo pass rates in the four large cities, 2008/’09*
Havo pass rates highest in Zeeland
Zeeland had the highest havo pass rate of all twelve provinces (91 percent). Nearly all municipalities in this province had pass rates of 90 percent or more. Vlissingen had a lower rate, at 83 percent.
The province of Groningen had the lowest pass rate for havo students (83 percent). The municipalities Pekela and Ten Boer even scored below 70 percent.
Havo pass rates by municipality of residence, 2008/’09*
Limburg has high vwo pass rates
Vwo exam candidates did very well in Limburg in particular: 93 percent of them passed their exams. The lowest pass rates were in the province of Flevoland (88 percent).
Lieke Stroucken