Dutch manufacturers less pessimistic than their European colleagues
The mood among manufacturers in Europe was still negative in February, but Dutch manufacturers were less pessimistic than their European colleagues. In the Netherlands, pessimists outnumbered optimists by 7.2 percent. On average in the European Union (EU), pessimists outnumbered optimists by 12.6 percent. The European producer confidence consists of manufacturers’ opinions on their order positions, their opinions on stocks and their expectations with respect to future output.
Dutch producers less negative about their order positions
Manufacturers’ opinions on their order positions have indeed improved gradually since the low recorded in mid-2009, but European manufacturers were still very negative in February 2010. Dutch manufacturers were the least negative in Europe, followed by the Danes and the Czechs. The true pessimists are found in Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Lithuania and Poland.
Manufacturers’ opinions on their order positions
Dutch manufacturers pleased with the level of their stocks
Dutch manufacturers have also been more positive in recent years about their stocks than their European colleagues. In February 2010, manufacturers who thought their stocks were too small only marginally outnumbered those who evaluated their stocks as too large. Most manufacturers who evaluate their stocks as too large are found in Greece, Spain and the United Kingdom. Producers in the Netherlands and the EU were much more positive about the level of their stocks than at the beginning of 2009.
Opinions manufacturers on stocks of finished products
Concerns about future production
Dutch manufacturers’ expectations about their output over the next months improved somewhat in February after a period of deterioration in December and January. In the EU, the upward trend continued uninterruptedly. Manufacturers in the Netherlands are a bit less positive with respect to future output than on average in the EU. Manufacturers in Malta, Finland and Slovenia were most optimistic about their future output in February. German producers were also optimistic about their output in the months to come.
Anticipated manufacturing output in the months to come
Karin van der Ven
Bron: Economic indicators European Union (producentenvertrouwen is 9e indicator in rolmenu)