Many young people socially active

Six in ten 12 to 25-year-olds lead active social lives. More than four in ten are involved in volunteer work, about as many as in the higher age categories. Young people less often provide informal care to sick people, neighbours, relatives, friends or acquaintances. 

Many young active in clubs

In the period 2006-2008, nearly seven in ten 12 to 18-year-olds participated in club activities, as against approximately half of 18 to 25-year-olds and about 40 percent of over-25s. Young people are more often members of sports clubs than over-25s. Irrespective of age, the participation rate in club activities is higher among men than among women.

Participation rate (at least once a month) in club activities 2006/2008

Participation rate (at least once a month) in club activities 2006/2008

Young people also often active in volunteer work

In addition, young people in the age group 18-25 are as often active in volunteer work as people aged 25 or older (about 42 percent in 2008). They were active in sports clubs and youth work.

Young people less often provide informal care. In 2008, more than one quarter occasionally provided care to other people, e.g. relatives outside their own household, friends, neighbours and acquaintances. The proportion is the same for men and women aged 18-25. Among over-25s, more than 30 percent provided informal care. In this age category, more women than men provided informal care.

Volunteer work and informal help 2008

Volunteer work and informal help 2008

Saskia te Riele, Hans Schmeets and Doreen Ewalds

Source: Annual report 2009 National Youth Monitor

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