Exports to United Kingdom fall sharply

The Netherlands exported goods with a total value of 26 billion euro to the United Kingdom in 2009, a reduction by 23 percent compared to twelve months ago. The United Kingdom is recurrently found in the monthly top 10 list of countries where exports are declining dramatically. This is shown in the latest interactive graph on international trade.

Most important countries in Dutch goods trade

Most important countries in Dutch goods trade

Exports drop by 18 percent, imports by 19 percent

Last year, the Netherlands imported goods worth 276 billion euro, a 19 percent increase on 2008. The value of exports amounted to 310 billion euro, i.e. 18 percent down on one year previously, resulting in a trade balance of approximately 34 billion euro in 2009. 

Balance of trade

Balance of trade

Balance of trade 700 million euro down

The Dutch trade surplus was 33.9 billion euro last year, a  0.7 billion euro reduction on 2008. The positive trade surplus with the EU partners in 2009 fell by 20.2 billion euro to 77.4 billion euro. The deficit on the balance of goods trade with non-EU countries was reduced by 19.5 billion euro to 43.5 billion euro in 2009.

Germany major trading partner

Last year, too, Germany was the most important trading partner of the Netherlands. Germany accounts for approximately 20 percent of the economic value of total Dutch imports and 24 percent of the total value of Dutch exports. Goods worth 55 billion euro were imported from Germany, a reduction by 17 percent relative to 2008. Exports to Germany declined by 19 percent to 75 billion euro. The top 5 of major trading partners in 2009 was the same as in 2008.

Petroleum most important import product

With a total share of 7 percent, petroleum is the most important product imported into the Netherlands. The value of petroleum imports totalled nearly 19 billion euro last year, 36 percent less than in 2008. This was caused by lower petroleum prices and reduced imports.

Wiel Packbier