Just over 1.1 million Dutch people have more than one nationality

On 1 January 2009, just over 1.1 million people in the Netherlands had at least one other nationality alongside the Dutch nationality. This is nearly three times the number on 1 January 1995. Nearly half of Dutch people with more than one nationality also have the Turkish or Moroccan nationality.

Other nationalities of Dutch people with more than one nationality, 1 January 2009

Other nationalities of Dutch people with more than one nationality, 1 January 2009

Increase mainly through naturalisation

The strong rise in the number of Dutch people with more than one nationality was caused by the large number of naturalisations, especially in the second half of the 1990s. Between 1 January 1992 and 1 October 1997 people who were granted the Dutch nationality were permitted to retain their original nationality, and most people naturalised in this period did so.

Number of naturalisations

Number of naturalisations

Since 1 October 1997 people are allowed to have only one nationality, but there are many exceptions to this rule, for example for underage children. As a result of these exceptions, nearly four out of five persons naturalised in 1998-2008 were also permitted to keep their original nationality. 

Increase since 2003 mainly through births

Children with a parent who has another nationality alongside the Dutch nationality also have two nationalities at birth. Since 2003, the number of Dutch people with a dual nationality has mainly increased through this regulation. In 2008 22 thousand children had dual nationality at birth. Another 5 thousand persons were granted Dutch nationality alongside their original nationality via an option or through adoption.

Increase in Dutch people with more than one nationality, by regulation

Increase in Dutch people with more than one nationality, by regulation

Most second generation immigrants have dual nationality

Just over 80 percent of second generation Turks and Moroccans living in the Netherlands also have the Dutch nationality. For the first generation this is around 60 percent. Very few Turks and Moroccans have only the Dutch nationality.

Han Nicolaas

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