Unemployment exceeds 400 thousand

  • 111 thousand people join the ranks of the unemployed within one year
  • Smallest increase among over-45s

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment reached 403 thousand in the period August-October 2009, breaking the 400 thousand barrier for the first time in nearly three years.

Seasonally adjusted unemployment grew by 4 thousand in the period August-October relative to the previous period. Since unemployment figures are based on a sample survey, more accurate figures can be obtained by monitoring over a longer period. In the past six months, unemployment rose by an average of approximately 10 thousand a month.

In the period August-October 2009, the number of unemployed averaged 387 thousand, corresponding to 5.0 percent of the labour force. The number of unemoployed has grown by 111 thousand compared to the same period last year. Unemployment has risen across all age categories. The smallest increase was recorded in the age group 45-64. In the category 45 and older, 4 percent are unemployed. This is the lowest rate of all age groups.

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