Criminal cases against girls trebled since 1995

The total number of criminal cases against girls in the Netherlands disposed of by the public prosecutor’s office and judges more than trebled in the period 1995-2008: from just over 2,200 in 1995 to more than 6,800 in 2008.

Criminal cases against girls disposed of by public prosecutor’s office and judges

Criminal cases against girls disposed of by public prosecutor’s office and judges

The number of criminal cases against boys also rose, but less strongly: from around 21 thousand in 1995 to 31 thousand in 2008. One in five criminal cases against minors in 2008 concerned a girl. This was up from one in ten in 1995.

Public prosecutor disposes of two-thirds of cases involving minors

The public prosecutor’s office disposed of nearly two-thirds of all 38 thousand concluded criminal cases against minors in 2008. In 1995 this share was larger. Since then it has decreased gradually. In 2008 one five criminal cases disposed of by the public prosecutor’s office was against a minor. In 1995 this was one in nine.

For judges, these shares are considerably lower. In 1995 one in thirteen cases disposed of by a judge was a case against a minor. In 2008 this was one in nine. The share of total cases disposed of concerning minors grew from 9 to 15 percent in the period 1995-2008.

Criminal cases against minors are therefore more likely to be handled by the public prosecutor’s office than by a judge. But the total number of criminal cases against minors disposed of by the public prosecutor’s office and by  judges rose strongly in the period 1995-2008.

Share of criminal cases against minors

Share of criminal cases against minors

Harry Eggen