Unemployment rises further

In the period July – September 2009, seasonally adjusted unemployment stood at 398 thousand, an increase of 10 thouisand relative to the period June - August.
In the period July - September, unemployment was 110 thousand up on the same period one year previously. Male unemployment increased by 67 thousand, female unemployment by 42 thousand. For both genders, the rise occurred across all age groups
On average, 5.0 percent of the total Dutch labour force were unemployed. The highest unemployment rate was recorded among people aged between 15 and 25, of whom 11.5 percent were unemployed. In the 25 to 45 age bracket and the 45 to 65 age bracket, the unemployment rate was approximately 4 percent.
The unemployment rate among men was 4.8 percent and 5.4 percent among women. The gap between male and female unemployment is smaller than twelve months previously.