Consumers slightly more pessimistic

Dutch consumers were slightly more pessimistic in October than in September. Consumer confidence fell from -17 to -19. The decrease is mainly the result of more pessimistic opinions on the economic situation in the future.

Consumer confidence

Consumer confidence

Consumers had a gloomier view of the economic situation than in September. Their opinions on the economic situation in the next twelve months changed from positive to negative. This indicator dropped by 20 points to -15. Opinions on the economic situation in the past twelve months hardly changed.

The indicator willingness to buy rose slightly. Opinions on the own financial situation in the twelve months to come improved substantially. Dutch consumers were somewhat less negative about the question whether it is the right time to purchase expensive items such as furniture or cars. Their opinions on their own financial situation in the past twelve months, on the other hand, deteriorated slightly.

Consumer confidence, seasonally adjusted

Consumer confidence, seasonally adjusted

The survey was carried out in the first ten working days of October: from Thursday 1 October to Wednesday 14 October.