Growing number of skin cancer-related hospital admissions

The number of skin cancer-related hospital admissions is growing fast, in particular the number of treatments completed within one day.

Number of skin cancer-related hospital admissions more than doubled

In the period 2003–2007, the number of skin cancer-related hospital admissions has more than doubled from 6,900 to 17,900. These numbers have been adjusted for the ageing population process. The increase is found in both genders.

Skin cancer-related hospital admissions


More day treatments

Since 2004, the number of day treatments for skin cancer has increased substantially. The number of in-patient hospital admissions (longer than one day) for skin cancer has been stable in recent years. This trend is manifest in men and women.

Skin cancer-related day treatments and in-patient admissions


Effective day treatment

The growing number of skin cancer day treatments since 2004 is mainly the result of a significant increase in treatments involving photodynamic therapy (PDT). As PDT is a simple and effective treatment method with little risk of scar tissue formation, it is becoming more and more commonly applied.

Number of skin cancer-related hospital admissions by age and gender


Skin cancer hospital patients usually older

Skin cancer-related hospital admissions chiefly concern older people. More older men than women develop skin cancer. Among over-75s, twice as many men as women are admitted in hospital for skin cancer. Only among people under the age of 50, women marginally outnumber men.

Gerard Verweij