Consumer confidence hardly changed

Consumer confidence has decreased slightly in June. The indicator dropped from -23 to -24, while in April and May consumer confidence had improved.

Indicators consumer confidence

Indicators consumer confidence

Consumers were more pessimistic about the economic climate. They were much more negative about the economic situation in the twelve months to come. This is one of the five component indicators of the consumer confidence index. This component indicator decreased 9 points and stood at -22 in June. Opinions on the economic situation in the next twelve months had improved considerably in April and May. In June, opinions on the economic situation in the past twelve months were about as negative as one month earlier.

Willingness to buy improved somewhat. Consumers’ opinions on whether the time is right to buy expensive items, e.g. washing machines or furniture, were slightly less negative. Consumers’ opinions on their financial situation in the past twelve months also improved slightly. Consumers hardly changed their opinions on the financial situation of their own household in the next twelve months.

Consumer confidence, seasonally adjusted

Consumer confidence, seasonally adjusted