Turnover sector hotels and restaurants 6 percent down

- Volume down by 9 percent
- Turnover hotels, pubs and bars drops most substantially
- Turnover cafetarias 1.5 percent up
In the first quarter of 2009, turnover for the sector hotels and restaurants was 6.1 percent down on the same quarter one year previously. Prices went up by 3 percent, turnover volume dropped by 8.8 percent. A similar reduction has not been recorded since the sector was monitored for the first time in 1993. According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands, hotels, pubs and bars suffered the most dramatic loss of turnover.
Turnover volume of pubs and bars plummeted by 13 percent in the first quarter relative to the same period in 2008. Turnover dropped 9 percent and prices rose 4.6 percent. Turnover of hotels also decreased considerably. As a result of the recession, business spending was reduced and fewer tourists visited the Netherlands. Turnover of hotels was 9.4 percent lower than in the first quarter of 2008. Turnover volume of restaurants fell by 9.2 percent, turnover by 5.6 percent.
Unlike other branches in the sector, cafetarias realised a higher turnover in the first quarter. Turnover grew by 1.5 percent compared to the same quarter in 2008. Higher prices almost entirely accounted for the turnover growth. Turnover volume of cafetarias fell 0.6 percent.