Slightly fewer new companies in 2008

In 2008 38.7 thousand new companies joined the Dutch business community, providing work for some 51.7 thousand people. The number of new companies lagged a little behind the 2007 number.

Foundation of new companies

Foundation of new companies

More single-owner companies, fewer partnerships

The number of single-owner companies increased from 22 thousand in 2004 to 34 thousand in 2008. The share of single-owner companies has also increased steadily. On the other hand, fewer entrepreneurs started in partnerships.

Starting new companies, by legal form

Starting new companies, by legal form

Fewer new construction companies started

In 2008 almost 8 thousand construction companies started. This is over 2 thousand less than in 2007. There are fewer starters in utility and in carpentry in particular. Currently the sector has over 100 thousand companies, 80 percent of which consists of one person.

Starting new companies per sector

Starting new companies, by legal form

Business consultants and photo shops

Almost 5 thousand new business consultancies started in 2008. This sector is still growing. There were also 1.5 thousand new mail order companies among the newcomers.

With the growing popularity of digital photography the number of starters in this sector also increased.  2008 saw 520 new entrepreneurs in the photography sector. In 2007 the total photography sector increased by 10 percent.

Rico Konen