Inflation down

Dutch inflation stood at 1.8 percent in April, which is 0.2 of a percentage point down on March. Prices of fresh vegetables and energy had a downward effect on inflation. Inflation is calculated as the increase of the consumer price index (CPI) relative to the same month in the previous year.

The higher costs of housing, water and energy accounted for 0.9 percentage points of the inflation in April. Food products and soft drinks contributed for 0.3 percentage points, as did tobacco and alcoholic drinks. Higher prices in the sector hotels and restaurants accounted for 0.2 percentage points of the inflation in April. Prices of transport, on the other hand, had a downward effect on inflation of 0.4 percentage points.

The harmonised consumer price index (HICP) allows comparison between the various member states of the European Union (EU). According to the HICP, Dutch inflation was 1.8 percent in April, as it was in March. The inflation rate in the eurozone was substantially lower. According to Eurostat, the European statistical office, it stood at 0.6 percent in April. Energy prices largely accounted for the gap between the Dutch and the eurozone inflation rate. Most European countries are more quickly affected by changes in oil prices than the Netherlands.

Dutch inflation

Dutch inflation