Crime-reporting behaviour
Figures on crime-reporting behaviour are based upon the Safety Monitor, a survey conducted by Statistics Netherlands, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) and the Ministry of Justice.
The survey is held since 2005 during the first three months of each year among the population of 15 years and older. Persons living in homes and institutions are excluded from the survey. The percentages presented in this article are based on a sample survey and therefore subject to a margin of error.
The Safety Monitor includes questions regarding victim rates and feelings of insecurity. Victims are categorised by type of crime and are requested to provide information on the dates (year and month) of a maximum of three criminal incidents they experienced since 1 January of the previous calendar year.
Crime victims are asked to give further detailed information on the last incident and whether they have reported the incident to the police. The figures presented in this article refer to the latest incidents per type of crime and may deviate marginally from the national figures as presented in the Safety Monitor.