Providers of business services more pessimistic
Providers of business services were even more pessimistic in April than they were in March. The number of business service providers expecting turnover to increase in the next three months was easily outnumbered by those expecting a decline. On balance, 27 percent of business service providers expected to generate a lower turnover over the next three months, as against 11 percent in March. This is the lowest level since the start of the time series in 1992.
Pessimism among business service providers and manufacturers about future employment in their branch grew further. Overall, 34 percent expected to have to cut back on staff in the next three months, as against 27 percent in March.
The percentage of business services providers who felt hampered in their activities because of insufficient demand increased further from 32 to 38 percent. On the other hand, only 5 percent indicated that staff shortage constituted an obstacle to their activities, as against 16 percent in January.
The negative mood about the economic climate over the past three months continued. Business service providers indicated that turnover and number of employees had declined in the past three months.