Loss of turnover retail sector 8.5 percent
- Lower turnover due to one shopping day less in February
- Turnover non-food sector 11 percent down
Retail turnover in February 2009 reduced by 8.5 percent relative to one year previously. A decline of this magnitude has not been observed since 2000. Retail prices rose by 0.5 percent, retail volume by 9.0 percent. Because 2008 was a leap year, February 2009 had one Friday less. After correction for shopping days, turnover in the retail sector declined by approximately 4 percent, according to the latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands.
All branches in the non-food sector faced loss of turnover in February compared to February 2008. Turnover in the total non-food sector fell by nearly 11 percent. Turnover volume in the non-food sector shrank, prices for non-food commodities remained almost stable.
Food, drinks and tobacco shops faced a loss of turnover by nearly 4 percent relative to one year previously. This was mainly caused by the fact that February 2009 had one Friday less compared to February 2008. Because for food, drinks and tobacco Friday is the best day of the week, this had a considerable downward effect on turnover. After correction, turnover growth was about 2 percent. Turnover in supermarkets and specialised shops declined, although prices rose by nearly 6 percent.