Legislation regarding the reduction of sickness absence
Terugdringing ziekteverzuim (TZ)
According to the size of their company, employers are obliged to pay the wages of sick employers during two or six weeks. This act became effective in 1993 and was withdrawn, when an act was introduced extending the employer's obligation to pay the wages of sick employees (WULBZ).
Wet uitbreiding loondoorbetalingsverplichting bij ziekte (WULBZ)
Under this act introduced in 1996, employers are obliged to pay 70 percent of a sick employee’s wage with a maximum of one year.
Wet Verbetering Poortwachter (WVP)
Introduced in 2002, this act encourages employers to pay more attention to sick employees and to stimulate them to get back to work as soon as possible.
Wet Verlenging Loondoorbetalingsverplichting bij Ziekte (VLZ)
Since its introduction in 2004, the VLZ obliges employers to pay the wages of sick employees for a period of two years instead of one year. Since 2005, registration of sickness absence exceeding twelve months is taken into account.