Continuous job growth
The number of jobs of employees was 108 thousand higher (1.4 percent) in the fourth quarter of 2008 than one year previously. Job growth in the third quarter was in the same order of magnitude. In the first half of 2008, the number of jobs rose by just over 2 percent.
Employment was higher in all branches, with the exception of financial institutions. The most substantial growth was recorded in the sectors trade, (health) care, culture and education. Business service providers also employed more people, despite the decline in temp jobs. The total number of jobs of employees (full-time and part-time) in the Netherlands amounted to nearly 8 million, corresponding to just over 6 million full-time jobs.
Obviously, employment is subject to seasonal variation. After correction for seasonal effects, the number of jobs in the fourth quarter was 0.4 percent up on the third quarter of 2008. Employment has risen continuously after 2004.
Wages and salaries of employees per labour year were 2.1 percent higher in the fourth quarter than one year previously. Compared to the second and third quarter, growth was nearly reduced by half and is also far below the increase in collectively agreed (CAO) wages of 3.6 percent.
Total wage costs per labour year were 2.8 percent up on one year previously. Labour costs increased more than wages because employers paid more for health insurance, unemployment and disablement provisions.