Consumer spending marginally up

Dutch households spent 0.5 percent more on goods and services in December 2008 than in December 2007. Consumption figures are adjusted for price changes and differences in the shopping-day pattern.
Household spending on goods was 0.3 percent up. More spectacles were sold as a result of a change in tax legislation. Households spent noticeably more on toys and motor fuels than one year previously. Due to the cold weather conditions in December, consumers used more energy to heat their homes. Car sales, on the other hand, were reduced by more than 10 percent.
Spending on services was 0.7 percent up on December 2007, but consumer spending was down in the category restaurants and hotels and aviation.
In 2008 average consumption growth was 1.5 percent, as against 2 percent in 2007. Spending on goods and services were up by 0.8 and 2 percent respectively.