Optimism among business service providers fading

Optimism among business service providers deteriorated further in August. They were less pleased with the amount of orders received. They were also less optimistic about the economic climate. Altogether only 1 percent of business service providers labelled the economic climate as ‘good’ in August, as opposed to 13 percent in July.

On the other hand, they are fairly positive their future order portfolio. The number of business service providers expecting to receive more orders and to generate a higher turnover in the next three months easily exceeded those anticipating a decline. 

Providers of business services expect employment in their branch to expand. In August 17 percent expected to hire more staff in the next three months, about the same percentage as in July. One third of business service providers reported that staff shortages are hampering production growth. More than half of them saw no obstacles for their business activities. 

Opinion on orders received in business services

Opinion on orders received in business services