Over 3.6 million people stay on Dutch camping sites

Last year, 3.6 million people stayed on Dutch camping sites. The number of camping guests has been all but stable since 2000. Only the summer of 2003 stands out as it was exceptionally hot and dry. No fewer than 4 million guests stayed on campsites in the Netherlands in that particular year.

Guests staying on Dutch camping sites

Guests staying on Dutch camping sites

Three quarters are Dutch

The majority of camping guests are Dutch. Their share has been stable for years ranging between 74 and 78 percent. More than half of foreign camping guests (57 percent) came from Germany in 2007, followed by Belgium, France and the United Kingdom with 10, 8 and 7 percent respectively.

Foreign guests on Dutch camping sites

Foreign guests on Dutch camping sites

Length of stay less than one week

The average Dutch guest spends 6.5 nights on a campsite. This figure has not changed since 2000. Guests from other countries usually stay for a period of 4.6 nights.

Coastal campsites popular

The most popular campsites are situated in the provinces of North Holland and Zeeland. Last year, 17 percent of all camping guests stayed in each of these two provinces. With 15 percent, the province of Gelderland is also quite popular among campers.

Share camping site guests by province, 2007

Share camping site guests by province, 2007

Jamilja van der Meulen