Expected saving behaviour

Information on the expected saving behaviour of consumers is collected in the consumer confidence survey. The purpose of this survey is to provide up-to-date information on consumers’ opinions about the development of the economy in general, and the financial situations of their own households.

Expected saving behaviour is based on the answers to two questions. The first refers to the current financial situation of the own household:
“In your household’s current financial position, do you have not enough money, do you have money to spare, or do you have exactly enough to get by on?”

The answer categories are:
1. Running into debt;
2. Having to use savings;
3. Making ends meet precisely;
4. Have a little to spare;
5. Have a lot spare;
6. Don’t know.

The indicator for the current financial situation is calculated by subtracting the answers in categories 1 and 2 from the percentage of answer in categories 4 and 5.

The second question refers to putting aside money in the next 12 months:
“Do you think you will be able to put aside some money in the next twelve months?”

The answer categories are:
1. Yes, certainly;
2. Yes, perhaps;
3. Probably not;
4. Certainly not;
5. Don’t know.

The indicator for the putting aside money is calculated by subtracting the answers in categories 3 and 4 from the percentage of answer in categories 1 and 2.