Unemployment hardly changed

- 4 percent of the Dutch labour force are unemployed
- Monthly decline only one thousand over the past six months
- Unemployment 36 thousand down in one year
In the period April-June this year, average unemployment was 310 thousand, i.e. 4.0 percent of the labour force versus 4.6 percent in the period April-June 2007. Over the past six months, unemployment declined by only one thousand a month, according to the latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands.
Seasonally corrected unemployment over the period April-June 2008 was 312 thousand, 3 thousand more than over the period March-May, but it would be premature to conclude that this foreshadows a radical change. As figures on unemployment are based upon a sample survey, more reliable figures can be obtained by monitoring the situation over a longer period of time. In the past six months, unemployment declined by an average of one thousand a month, the smallest decline since unemployment began to fall three years ago.
In the period April-June, unemployment was 36 thousand down on the same period in 2007. Unemployment decreased among both genders, but the decline among women was more substantial.
PDF contains complete press release, including tables and graphics.